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From pinna <pinna@autistici.org>
Date Sat, 11 May 2002 02:08:22 +0200
Subject [HaCkmEeTiNg] GNU, stallman, e come registrarlo all'hackit

ho scritto una stupida mail a <audio-recordings@gnu.org>

ora abbiamo delle semplicissime linee guida da seguire  in modo
da attenerci agli standard GNU per quanto riguarda l'archiviazione
dello speech di Stallman

c'e' anche la possibilita' di segnalare la cosa su www.gnu.org/events.html
(quando saremo sicuri che viene etc)


qui sotto la risposta e piu' sotto la mia comunicazione iniziale
(se il tipo quota come Maddler , un motivo ci sara' =)

----- Forwarded message from Nick Hill <audio-recordings@gnu.org> -----

Date: Sat, 11 May 2002 00:42:25 +0100
From: Nick Hill <audio-recordings@gnu.org>
Subject: Re: recording Stallman at HackMeeting 2002, Bologna, Italy
To: pinna <pinna@autistici.org>
X-Mailer: Sylpheed version 0.7.4 (GTK+ 1.2.10; i686-pc-linux-gnu)

Thank you for your offer. 

Please make high quality recording available to me. I will archive high
quality then re-sample to lower bit rate & older encoder for internet

We normally use the following text for copyright:
Copyright (C) 2002, Richard M. Stallman.  Verbatim copying and distribution
of this entire speech recording are permitted provided this notice is

Please confirm if this is ok, along with a link for download and a
description of the speech, when available.


Nick Hill.

On Sat, 11 May 2002 00:17:09 +0200
pinna <pinna@autistici.org> wrote:

> help
> i hope you are not a mailing list, nor an automatic responder ;)
> however
> in italy there will be an hacker convention in june 2002
> location will be TPO in Bologna 
> more info on lab.dyne.org/HackMeeting, www.hackmeeting.org
> maybe Dr.Stallman will be present and will have a speech :)
> we're going to record it: i have noticed of "Request for Recordings",
> so here i am.
> we will follow instructions found in
> www.gnu.org/philosophy/audio/audio.html#TOCRequest
> we will stream the speech (and also the whole meeting) on 
> kyuzz.org/radiocybernet, using MuSE to stream (it is GPL sw,
> see muse.dyne.org)
> we could provide you the recordings in ogg/vorbis format
> (mmm i think we'll put them somewhere on the net)
> any other advise?
> thank you 
> and forgive my english ;)
> pinna@autistici.org for hackmeeting.org

----- End forwarded message -----
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