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From void <void@ecn.org>
Date Fri, 24 May 2002 12:23:51 +0200
Subject [HaCkmEeTiNg] [connect-request@squat.net: Connect digest, Vol 1 #79 - 1 msg]

----- Forwarded message from connect-request@squat.net -----

> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 23:02:30 +0200
> From: darkveggy <darkveggy@squat.net>
> To: connect@squat.net, external-puscii@pasky.dhs.org,
>         teachers@lists.genderchangers.org
> Subject: [Connect] d.sec call v1.8 : people move people communicate
> Reply-To: connect@squat.net
> Hi there,
> Here's a call for alternative tech, media and political collectives to
> join the international no-border camp that will take place in Strasbourg
> this summer. 
> This call has been launched by "d-sec", an informal group of people
> aiming at connecting social struggles and some other electronic
> practices and concerns. For all italian-speaking persons out there,
> please note that the first edition of this call (v1.0) has been
> translated in italian and is available at the following URL :
> http://www.noborder.org/strasbourg/materials/calls/it_display.php?id=20
> A french translation is about to be spread as well.
> For those of you interested in joining the process, a mailing-list has
> been set : Communicate mailing list <Communicate@dsec.info>. List-info
> can be found on http://mailman.t0.or.at/mailman/listinfo/communicate,
> and subscription requests should be sent to j@t0.or.at.
> Laterz,
> darkveggy
> ----- <forward> -----
> <pre>            
>             dMM.
>             dMM.
>       ,mmm_.dMM.         .o._m.m,.     ,..mm.m.     _,m.m.op_
>     ,MMP''`YMMM.        ,MMP''`'MM_  ,MMM"''"MMM.  dMMP''`YMML
>    ,MMP     YMM.        YMMb._  ""' ,MMP      YMM ,MMP     YP"
>    ;MMP     7MM.         'PMMMM8mm_ (!MMMMMMMMMMM'dMM'
>    `MMb     ]MM.        _._ `'"YMMM.`MMb      _.i YMMb     ,mm.
>     YMML   ,?MM.   ___  YMML    dMM' YMML    dMMP  !MM.   ,MMM'
>         '''  ''    '''     `''''         ''''         `''''
> </pre>
>                           [database systems to enforce control]
>                         www.dsec.info    |     www.noborder.org
> <pre>
> [call.update may 20th, 2002]
>                         /\    noborder-camp July 19-28, 2002 
>                    /\  /  \   strasbourg
>                   /  \/____\  www.noborder.org
>                  /____\
> </pre>
> P E O P L E M O V E --- P E O P L E C O M M U N I C A T E 
> People move across physical and virtual borders. People push the
> electronic frontiers through digital and physical communication. States
> and multinationals are enforcing control of both flows. Information
> technology is part of the freefloating culture of resistance and a tool
> to develop a society of seemless control. 
> The border camp in Strasbourg is the perfect location to explore these
> connections and link the struggles for free movement and free
> communication. 
> L O C A T I O N 
> d.sec (first call published on http://dsec.info, january 2002) is part
> the international noborder action camp (http://noborder.org/strasbourg)
> in Strasbourg, July 19-28, 2002. The intention is to create a thread
> around the issues of freedom of movement and freedom of communication.
> Both issues and practices are linked, and this link is becoming more
> important with the virtualisation of borders - which certainly does not
> make them softer. 
> Situated in Alsace, with a French/German border which has shifted 5
> times in the last 5 centuries, Strasbourg is now the location of the
> Schengen Information System (SIS), a detention center and many EUropean
> institutions.  d..sec will use this thick symbolic space as an
> experimental field to better understand how the virtualisation of
> borders works, and what to do about it. 
> Between 1000 and 3000 people are expected for the bordercamp. d.sec will
> take place on the campsite and in town, with panels/presentations,
> workshops, active discussions or chilling out with a notebook and a cup
> of coffee. 
> C O N C E P T 
> d.sec is about reflecting the mechanisms of repression/control in the
> fields of free movement and free communication, the experiences of
> electronic and physical bordercrossing. An attempt to integrate
> cyber-activism and taking the streets, and find the relations between
> social and technical skills. The wider objective is to give momentum to
> an ongoing exploration of technical potentials in the resistance against
> the border regime. 
> d.sec relies on the diversity of people who will be present at the
> Strasbourg border camp. Some of those involved in activism are earning
> their lives with "immaterial labour" as web designers, administrators,
> code-writers, in call-centers, as translators or web-editors. Some are
> using this knowledge in their political work. Others focus on the
> streets. Others have experience with borders and migration. 
>                      /*hack the streets. be pink and silver on the net*/
> d.sec is meant to become an open structure where activists,
> anti-racists, migrants, hackers, teccies, artists and many more put
> their knowledges and practices into self-organised interaction. A space
> to discuss and network, for skill sharing and and collaborative
> knowledge production. A laboratory to try out ways to hack the streets
> and reclaim cyberspace with crowds in pink and silver; experiment with
> virtual identities, linux and open-source products; explore the
> embodyment of technology, learn about the meanings of physical and
> virtual bordercrossing. 
> F O R U M 
> --------------------------------------------------------------- 
> check out the discussion forum on  
> http://dsec.info/talk 
> This is a space to 
> collect and discuss articles, images and texts before, 
> during and after the camp, a pool for information. 
> --------------------------------------------------------------- 
> M O D E S 
> We propose three modes of gettogethers - they are flexible, can take
> place anywhere, each mode can turn into another one if people feel like
> it.  
> [presentations] anything from formal presentations to chilled-out
> exchange, inspired by an impulse contribution (film, talk, website,
> sound).  Might turn into active discussions. Could be open to the public 
> [workshops] skill sharing about things like how to secure my PC, Linux
> installation, video editing, webradio, websites, diagramme making,
> streaming...
> [active discussion] Brainstorms, dreams, theory with a perspective to
> develop into ongoing projects and actions. Can last anything between a
> few minutes and several days and nights. 
> C O N T E N T S 
> presentations. workshops. active diskussions. carnival() { 
> d.sec/themes/basic 
>    {free movement & free communication - where are the connections? 
>    Virtualised borders/digital frontiers/state control - what are they, 
>    how to visualise them, how to subvert the myths about SIS?} 
>     <approaches> 
>      # theatre in public space, invisible theatre  surveillance camera 
>      play, map of surveillance in cities, cardreader?, 
>      psychogeographic explorations. 
>      # discussion, exploration, exchange 
>     <prep> 
>      Zapatistas / using the web 
>      Exchange: ascii (amsterdam, http://www.squat.net/ascii) and 
>      The Voice (Self-Organized Refugee Organisation, 
>      http://www.humanrights.de/voice/index.html)? 
>      Syndicat potentiel/bureau d'etudes  noborder infoshop? 
>             /*checkpoint play, 3d information*/ 
>                  [presentations] [workshops] [active discussions] 
> d.sec/themes/opensource 
>     {the world of open source: Does anti-capitalist 
>     software-development exist? why using it?} 
>     <approaches> 
>      #skill sharing 
>      #theory 
>     <prep> 
>      debian, freeBSD, Gnu/linux, TCP/IP, secure your 
>      computer: firewalling, cryptography/secure communication, 
>      the needs of the "mobile activist", VPN, 
>      campware (content management), databyte etc. 
>      #Interested: squat.net, ascii,  
>                   [presentations] [workshops] 
> d.sec/themes/electronic.campaigning.disobedience 
>    {constituting cyberspace as public space, the art 
>    of internet campaigning, communication guerilla} 
>     <prep> 
>      let's talk about floodnet, lufthansa 
>      online-demonstration, rtmark, 
>      electronic disturbance theatre, 
>      yesman, deportation-class.com, 
>      toywar, root@sis# shutdown -h now, 
>      image pollution and tactical embarrassment.
>                  [presentations] [active discussions] 
> d.sec/themes/body 
>    {technology, communication and body. the human behind 
>    the machine: body/cyborg/identity/interface. d.sex. 
>    Setting identities free? Gender and virtual 
>    identities/chatting and sexuality/sexism/power 
>    structures in cyberspace. "the teccie" - a gendered identity?
>    experimenting with gender identities in cyberspace} 
>     <approaches> 
>      experiments, laboratory, theory 
>     <prep> 
>      old boyznetwork (?)
>                  [presentations] [active discussions] 
> d.sec/themes/hacktivism 
>    {"why hacking?"/ hacking and ethics - 
>    explorations of a concept} 
>     <prep> 
>                  [presentations] 
> d.sec/themes/media activism 
>    {the radio stream from everywhere - 
>    teccmania, art or tool, more than reporting? 
>    Intervening in the public sphere} 
>    <approaches> 
>      reflecting on/producing/using, (activist) videos, 
>      webstreams, pirate radios/television 
>      mobile media units, open/edited publishing, 
>      public projections/screenings 
>     <prep> 
>      /* indymedia centers*/ 
>      /* alternative servers, news projects (nadir, sindominio)*/ 
>      /* camp radio: european radio groups */ 
>      /* noborder-zone bus of the publix-theatre caravan (vienna, 
>       http://www.no-racism.net/noborderzone) will offer a cinema, 
>       a workspace with computers and internet access, a bar and 
>       a stage ...*/ 
>      /*everyone is an expert*/ 
>      /* performance sounds and borders, 
>              [active discussions] [presentations] [workshops] 
>  } 
> W H O ? 
> As many people as possible from different projects working on topics
> connected to the issue of "freedom of movement and freedom of
> information", are invited e.g.: 
> the publix theatre carawan (grazybus-project :-)) --- campware|campfire
> (a project from the media lab in prague.) --- the voice (migrant's self
> organisation) --- people from the chaos computer club (www.ccc.de) (who
> had their first real space demonstration in the streets a few weeks ago)
> --- hacknet milano (italy) --- ascii (amsterdam) --- undercurrents, AK
> Kraak, Trojan (videocollectives) --- electrohippies (floodnet), UK ---
> european freeradio network (situated in london), --- www.hacktivism.com
> --- indymedia centers --- people from the debian-linux and the FreeBSD
> project and many more people and groups ... 
> /* the program will be set up for the next call update (2.0) */
> A C T I O N 
> d.sec/ is where the multitudes infect each other with subversive desires
> and constructive acts. Let's turn projects, questions and practices into
> interventions. Bring the tools to cross the digital borders. Let's be
> the humans behind the machines.
>                    /*if you know of anyone who might be 
>                    interested, please forward this invitation.*/ 
>                   /*if you want to put your project on the preliminary 
>                     programme or need equipment, 
>                                      mail to contact@dsec.info*/
>   root@sis # shutdown -h now 
>   d.sec  /di:'sIk/, abbr of (a) Database System to Enforce Control.  
>   A database used to restrict the civil liberties of a specific group. 
>   Emerged in late 20th century during transition from democracy to empire. 
>   (b) opp deformed security. A dysfunctional understanding of security. 
>   (c) spec tag of 1st Intern. bordercamp, 2002. EG  desecuricise SIS. 
> /* IS   S I S   T H E   W O R L D   W E   W A N T ? */
> ----- </forward> -----

----- End forwarded message -----

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