txt Autore: francesca iovino
Trip in a potential town
Silence and deafening noise. Immobility and ceaseless motion. Lacks and superabundance of places, spaces, voids. The city is filled and yet is the territory of contraddiction, the field of presence and absence. Awful absences because real gaps inside the constructed mesh, and voids that are important elements for a no planned development, for an act in constant becoming. An action of transformation in the places in which one inhabits, stays, passes, in the places of the town.
The track of our transit, that is the remains or in any case the marks of the crossing amd most of all of the presence. Being and living as interaction with the ground that one 'occupies'. The drift as the first boost for the knowledge of the city. The 'urban action', the mutation of the space and the perception of a metropolitan environment, the description of a temporary mutant zone, as furrows for marking the passing and for revealing a different use for a different fruition, a different image for a different 'identity'. Any staging, it's not a tale, legend or telling machine through the space's alteration, but a place that becomes object of expression, subject of action, backdrop, cave, cuirass or mutant robotic structure for the narration, architectonic frameworkunder transformation for following decoding and visualizations.
Still presences and absences. To be present and to be invisible. Leaving traces of the crossing by fighting against the immobility of the urban structure to be exploring or inhabiting. The city that lets ploughing, that stimulates the manipulation or that incites the appropriation, that provokes disagreement for leading forced compelled temporary inevitable alterations. Though circumscribed inside the space, the visibility, the interaction. In the city, in the meta-metropolis that unceasingly continues its expansion, the motion is capacity that never stops, but that is translated too often in a potentiality which is without checking and perspectives, which is too often ended in its own revealing, in its own appearing. Almost a romantic act: the appearance is the primary value and the only one inexorably, the permanence, its own rooting in the place (or in the eyes of who perceived the action) is the marginal result, the negligible answer.
These are the images that run. Conditions of swift mutations in which the estrangement, the perspective, perceptive, dimensional, loud alteration, the visual trasfiguration are means of manipulation and revealing of 'hidden' environments. Almost implied. It's not simple superimposition, nor a work that it's developed through additions. Any image over image or spatial superstructure: it is linear alteration that marks the passage. And at the same time it is a constant tossing to underline a presence, a research, a necessity of development and an interaction with the city. In the city of the checking, the motion is compelled action, the speed is double for escaping and acting in advance. An infinite drift that is rave for 24 hours of music; it is writing, getting up, mark, color, swift gesture on the wall; it is urban action, perceptive transformation, asphalt that becomes stage; it is installation that modifies the space, that reveals new interpretative borders of the urban framework. In a metropolis that looses its limits, that spreads its expansion by confusing its edges: because it's not the specific form that identifies, but its extension on layouts of route, the continous conurbanization among systems with a spontaneous development, beyond the extreme lines of the last planned evolution. A metropolis that is no longer a single appartus, but the complexity of many entities, a carpet of aggregated nuclei. Of urban events that are often mass produced outskirts and only sometimes become centers of new sub-frameworks, under the continous dependence and subjecting with the centralizing system of economic powers. So, it is established a progress concentric or decentric, centrifugal or centripetal: different configurations of self-referencial metropolises in which the own physical presence becomes functional to the only programmed enlarging.
The city is then a constant supply, the country of playthings in which everything
looks possible. Any distance is a true obstacle, any void a real gap. It's
imoprtant not to loose the rythm of the events, those that run speedly,
those that speedly loose value, those that are complementary and therefore
essential. The strenght of the ground lives in the appearence, in the very
act of doing as ability to work, to build strongholds, to reach emplacements.
Everything towards the improving of architectures burst inside that evolve
themselves through gemmation. As in a huge pattern to be crossing by jumps.
This is the 'potential city' where the illusion of motion is constantly
measured with the illusion of action. The place in which what is potentially
reachable, is already complete, chewed, digested, truly: a seductive nourishmentof
the brains that leaves passive inside the convulsion of the shiftings and
the activities. It is through the addition of container nuclei that the
meta-metropolis takes form and strenght. They are the transfiguration in
the XXL scale of the buildings containers, in which every desire is promptly
satisfied. These are the symbol zones, the 'archetypes' of the urban control,
of the metropolitan potential, of the programmed development far from rhizomatic
schemes, of the evolution by portions which contribute without interaction,
but with belonging, to the establishment of the whole. So it is by furrowing
the trajectories showed by Deleuze and Guattarì that is maybe possible the
turnover of this condition.
“Fate rizoma e non radice, non piantate
mai! Non seminate mai, scavate! Non siate uno, né multiplo, siate
delle molteplicità! Fate la linea, mai il punto! La velocità
trasforma il punto in linea! Siate rapidi anche da fermi! Linea di fortuna
linea d’anca linea di fuga.”