Hack.it.art - Hacktivism in the Context of Art and Media in Italy
Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien | Mariannenplatz 2, 1o997
www.kunstraumkreuzberg.de - www.ecn.org/aha
In partnership with Transmediale/Club Transmediale
Panels and Workshop
5th - 6th - 8th February 2005
Panel: 'Hacking the Body'- 6th february, 4.00 pm
panel 'Hacking the Body' is an inquiry into the meaning of cyberfeminism
today after more than ten years since it was coined, reflecting artistic
and activistic practices which play with the topics of body, identity
and sexuality. In 1991, along with new gender and identity utopias linked
to a radical and collective use of technology, VNS Matrix, a group of
Australian women wrote 'A Cyberfeminist Manifesto for the 21st Century'
and, influenced by Donna Haraway, playfully developed the concept of
cyberfeminism. The cyberfeminist virus spread to Australia, Europa and
America, combining radical use of body, enthusiasm for new technological
utopias and hopes for subverting patriarchy through new hybrid identities,
irony and political activism.
After ten years of individual and collective practices, where does cyberfeminism
stand today? In which way is it possible to radically hack concepts
like identity, the body and sexuality? Currently, there is a new wave
of radical body expression through independent pornography which, experimenting
with the body and identity as well, tries to subvert dichotomies like
male/female, gay/straight.
Is this the new body infected by the cyberfeminist virus?
Hacking the Body - 6th february, 4.00 pm:
First section (4.00-5.30 pm)
- Cornelia Sollfrank, Old Boys Network <www.obn.org> (Hamburg,
- Agnese Trocchi, Candida TV <www.candidatv.tv> (Rome, IT)
- public discussion
Video projection (5.30 pm)
- 'Bio Doll's Baby' by Franca Formenti <www.francaformenti3.org>
(Varese, IT), video introduced by Dahlia Schweitzer <www.thisisdahlia.com>
(New York, USA/Berlin, D) with the interaction of synusi@ virus by Casaluce
- Geiger (Vienna, AU/Italy)
Second section (6.00-7.30 pm)
- Diana McCarty, Bootlab (<www.bootlab.org> Berlin, D)
- Betty, Sexyshock (<www.ecn.org/sexyshock> Bologna, IT)
- public discussion
- Moderator: Tatiana Bazzichelli, AHA (<www.ecn.org/aha> Rome,
IT/Berlin, D)