.10. 2004
Worldly Women
infoshop e Sexyshock invite you to come meet Daniela Danna
author of the book "Worldly Women" Bologna,
in Via Mascarella 24/b ñ Modo inoshop
Thursday October 28th Sexyshock public contamination space-
and Modo inoshop invite you to the presentation of "Worldly
Women sex commerce and and state control"
Daniela Dannaís latest book and first nomadic event
of the sexyshock project that once left the Via Lenin space,
now contaminates other city spaces and invades town!
It will invade town talking of work, sex, powerand of misfortune
and challenges with the meeting and chatting with Daniela
Danna and through images of the video Sex workers in action:::May
Day 2004, Horenopoly Tournament of at the May Day and ìStreet
Voices- a contemporary glance at prostitution î by
Armando Perez and with the help of the Via del Campo crew.
Donne di mondo is a old way of saying to refer to prostitutes:
worldly because they belong to everybody and to nobody in
times when wives were property of their husbands; worldly
because their life was antithetical to religious commandments;
worldly women also because they move and practice prostitution
away from home.
Itís this meaning that prevails nowadays: prostitutes
are for the most migrants, coming from economically defeated
parts of the planet and travelling towards a bigger world
to belong to.
This book talks about them and of all the other actors of
the sex commerce, with a special look that underlines the
separating function of the sixties sexual revolution in
giving new meanings to the sex exchange between sex and
money and develop new political proposals. It shows, at
itís heart, the ruthless debate that constitutes
and builds up the sex commerce new social realities, in
the forever try of the State to control it.
*Daniela Danna was born in Milan in 1967; is now researcher
at the Faculty of
Political Science of the Milan State University. Is author
"Amiche, compagne, amanti. Storia dellíamore
tra donne" (Mondadori 1994),
"Matrimonio omosessuale" (Erre Emme 1997)
and "Io ho una bella figlia... le madri lesbiche raccontano"
(Zoe 1998).
http://www.danieladanna.it - http://www.eleuthera.it