The conference will be organised in such a way that in the end a declaration
can be formulated and adopted in relation to migration-, prostitution-
and trafficking policies. Also recommendations will be developed for
different regional and national contexts.
Day One:
‘Sex workers only’ day in which sex workers can meet and
exchange information.
Workshops dealing with sex workers’ daily living issues and
personal experiences
Workshops about human rights issues, legal issues, labour rights and
Leading to the adoption of a Charter for Sex Workers Rights for presentation
on days two and three
Day Two:
sex workers and allies
Summary of activities and results of the day before
Workshops about policies and research (what is happening in different
countries), (state) repression against migration, trafficking and
sex work.
Workshops about best practices
Leading to recommendations to be put to full conference on day three
Day Three:
sex workers, allies and (allied)politicians:
Panel discussion on the effects of legal regimes on sex work and trafficking
Testimonies from sex workers and trafficked women from 5 or 6 different
Presentation of Charter for Sex Workers Rights and recommendations
from day two
Workshops on future work and collaboration
Press Conference
Dissemination of the results
The results of this conference will be disseminated widely to governments,
institutions, NGOs, academics and the media both through national
groups as through a concerted media information strategy. Moreover,
the Declaration will provide sex workers and their allies with an
instrument to promote sex workers rights at the national and European
as well as the international level.