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Panel Hacktivism: Was tun/Che fare?

Hacktivism: Was tun/Che fare? -8 febbraio 2005, , Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlino, Germania
[Foto del Panel]

Il panel vuole rispondere alla domanda: 'Qual e' lo stato dell'hacktivism oggi in Italia?' Quali sono le differenze-relazioni con il concetto di hacktivism in uno scenario internazionale (in particolare per la citta' di Berlino)?
Attraverso il panel 'Hacktivism: Was tun/Che fare?' teorici e artisti del settore, discuteranno sul concetto di hacktivism e sugli sviluppi di questo dopo venti anni di riflessioni e sperimentazioni in Italia.
In questa fase politico-culturale italiana, che non sembra lasciare molto margine allo sviluppo di forme di espressione e informazione libera, appare quanto mai importante e necessario riflettere su queste tematiche.
Mentre all'estero si organizzano rassegne sul software libero supportate pienamente a livello istituzionale e commerciale (vedi l'evento Wizards of OS a Berlino nel giugno 2003, vedi la storia di successo della Free Software Foundation e della licenza Creative Commons in USA), in Italia si e' ancora in una fase in cui si deve lottare unicamente per affermare l'idea che puo' esistere un modello produttivo di informazione e espressione indipendente.
Gli hacker sono ancora additati come 'pirati' e un sistema operativo non proprietario come GNU/Linux e' accessibile a pochi, pur essendo free.
Dopo venti anni, passata la prima fase utopistica, e' ancora possibile parlare di hacktivism in uno scenario in cui la rete e' dominata da interessi commerciali di grandi gruppi? Che prospettive si delineano per coloro che lottano per un modello alternativo e indipendente di informazione e espressione artistica in rete?
La net-community esiste ancora nei termini relazionali comunitari che hanno animato la prima fase di costruzione della rete?

Panel 'Hacktivism: Was tun/Che fare?', 8 febbraio 2005, 7.00 pm
- Prima sessione:
- Sebastian Lütgert, Textz.com (Berlino, D)
- Tommaso Tozzi, Hacker Art (Firenze, IT)
- seconda sessione:
- Susanne Schmidt, Informationsfreiheiten.de (Berlino, D)
- Asbesto, Freaknet.org (Catania, IT)
- dibattito con il pubblico
- Moderatore: Alessandro Ludovico, Neural (Bari, IT)

[Foto del Panel]

Sebastian Lütgert – Textz.com – Bootlab (Berlin, D)
Lives in Berlin, working as a writer, programmer and artist. Recent projects include magazines (The German Issue, Starship, Auseinander), websites (germany.kz, textz.com, rolux.org), videos (Burn Hollywood Burn, Betacity, The Coils of the Serpent) and others. Group exhibitions (selection): Werkleitz Biennale (Halle), Kuenstlerhaus (Wien), Galerija VN (Zagreb), Transmediale (Berlin), Kunsthalle Exnergasse (Wien), Kunstwerke (Berlin), Cinematexas (Austin), PS1 (New York), ZKM (Karlsruhe). He is a co-founder of Bootlab (Berlin).
www.textz.com - www.bootlab.org

Tommaso Tozzi – hacker art (Florence, Italy)
Tommaso Tozzi (1960) is probably one of the first Italian artists who worked since early Nineties only on new media and the net. Rather than building installations or objects, the artist exploits new media as instruments of communication, creating spaces for discussion and meeting places. Before getting wired, Tozzi had developed a magazine transmitted by fax, an artzine only readable through BBS and an art magazine that was posted on walls. He was co-founder of the artistic group Strano Network in 1993 (Florence) and works as a Professor in the Department of Mass Media in Accademia di Belle Arti of Carrara. He was the founder of Hacker Art BBS (1990), the first artistic network in Italy and creator of the first Netstrike in the world (1995). Publications: Hacktivism. La libertà nelle maglie della rete, ManifestoLibri, 2002; with Strano Network: Nubi all'orizzonte (1996), Net Strike, no copyright, etc.- Pratiche antagoniste nell'era telematica (1996). He also work with the collective Isole Nella Rete.
www.hackerart.org - www.stra`?no.net/tozzi.htm

Susanne Schmidt – Informationsfreiheiten.de (Berlin, D)
Susanne Schmidt studied political science in Berlin and changed suddenly her profession from science to technology in 1993, fascinated by the upcoming possibilities of the Internet and Linux. Since 1993 she works as a freelancing journalist, projectmanager and sometimes as a software developer exclusively in Linux/Open Source environments. Main interests are natural language processing, freedom of information, possiblities of translating techniques of investigative journalism into technology and transporting technology into political activism, the development of Perl 6, women and hacking and modern japanese art.

Gabriele 'Asbesto' Zaverio – Freaknet Medialab (Catania, Italy)
On the net since early 80s, he is co-founder of Freaknet Medialab, freaknet.org and Radio Cybernet. Freaknet Medialab is an Italian hacklab which provides access for everybody through old assembled computers. Freaknet is lead by a committee of hackers sharing their researches in solidarity to achieve common goals: for the knowledge, for the freedom of speech, for an aesthetic vocation, for a sustainable model in free software development, for a better sharing of free technologies and informations among who has less opportunities to access them.
www.freaknet.org - http://poetry.freaknet.org - Personal website: www.zaverio.net
www.hackmeeting.org (Italian hackers community website)

Moderation: Alessandro Ludovico – Neural magazine (Bari, Italy)
Since 1993 Alessandro Ludovico is the editor-in-chief of Neural, the Italian new media culture magazine. In 2000 he edited ‘Suoni Futuri Digitali’ (Future Digital Sounds), an in-depth research that chronicles the history of the innovations that have drastically changed how we produce and experience sounds. He’s one of the founding members of the Nettime list, and one of the founding member of the ‘European Peripheral Magazine list’. In 2001 he joined the n.a.m.e. (normal audio media environment) art group and developed ‘Sonic Genoma’, a computer art installation. He's also in charge of "Neural Station", a weekly radio show on electronic music and digital culture, and is the publisher of daily updates on the Neural website.

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