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From asbesto <asbesto@freaknet.org>
Date Wed, 8 May 2002 14:04:11 +0000
Subject Re: [HaCkmEeTiNg] [rms@gnu.org: Mondo Linux???]

Il Wed, May 08, 2002 at 11:00:54AM +0200, Marco A. Calamari rigurgitava:

> > >    Telematica di base e introduzione al mondo Linux lobo e maddler ?
> > > This almost certainly really means the GNU/Linux system.
> > > Could you please ask people to change this to "mondo GNU/Linux"--and
> > > change the other pages and materials associated with that talk?
> IMHO gli dovresti rispondere umilmente e scusandoti a nome di che ha

continuando io risponderei :

 that's the ITALIAN WAY

 we're spaghetti pizza & mandolino programmers

 but we are *THE* programmers

 that's the deal

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