AHA Exhibition Event
exhibitions on Activism-Hacking-Artivism
Activism-Hacking-Artivism exhibitions /events show to the public the multitude of Italian media and net activism. The aim is to give an inside view into this very heterogeneous and often so far rarely recognized Italian scene, to provide links to the field of art as well as politics. Furthermore it attempts to connect and interlink Italian and international projects and activists.
In every AHA exhibition, all media are used to give voice to forms of self-consciousness: political activism, technological hacktivism, artistic activism. Beyong fixed classifications and boundaries, these three elements intermingle and contaminated in a networked discourse.
The AHA exhibition-event wants to show the common grounds of political activism, hacker culture and art as real life practices. The objects shown in the museum are the results of life processes, things in doing, actions, real practices which create themselves anew; and this is what you should see in any cultural space today.
The first step of Activism-Hacking-Artivism Project was the organisation of an exhibition in Rome, at the Museum Laboratory of Contemporary Art, University "La Sapienza", 2002, curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli. To date, all AHA exhibitions have shown how it is possible to create Activism-Hacking-Artivism in Italy through a wide network of artists, activists, hackers and everyone who want information to be free.
AHA Exhibition Event:
Women, Technology and Networks in Eastern Europe
The exhibition project HACK.Fem.EAST seeks to present experimental and artistic practices of artists and activists working in digital networks in Eastern Europe. Main topics are media, art and hacking. Protagonists are women or projects in which women play an important role.
Central idea is to involve women artists to develop independently their concept in each of the14 rooms of the Kunstraum Kreuzberg / Bethanien and be part of the network formed by the all groups and artists/activists participating.
9 may - 22 june 2008
HACK.Fem.EAST Exhibition
A project of Tatiana Bazzichelli and Gaia Novati sponsored by Hauptstadtkulturfonds and with the support of Institut fuer Auslandsbeziehungen.
At the Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien, Berlin, Germany.
HACK.Fem.EAST Website
and Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien.
First Edition NACHT BAR Berlin Porn Film Festival Berlin 07
Every night on 24-28 october 07, from 23.oo - 6.oo various perfomance-artists, musicians and dj's from New York, London, Paris, Berlin, Warsaw, etc. show performances, play music and show art in the Nachtbar, located in L.U.X. and TRIXTER in Berlin – Kreuzberg, Schlesische Straße 41. The NACHT Bar 2007 is managed and organized by Tatiana Bazzichelli, Gaia Novati and Ena Schnitzlbaumer, in collaboration with the PornFilm Festival Berlin.
NACHT BAR Berlin 2007.
24 - 28 october 2007
In Berlin, in collaboration with PornFilmFestival Berlin.
Curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli, Gaia Novati and Ena Schnitzlbaumer.
NACHT BAR Berlin 07
Second edition of CUM2CUT Indie-Porn-Short-Movies-Festival. CUM2CUT is an independent pornography competition in which participants have to shoot and edit a indie-porn short movie in only three days. Movies are shown at the KantKino, cinema in Berlin. An expert jury of filmmakers, directors, queer-activists and artists select every year three winners.
Website and Concept.
24 - 28 october 2007
CUM2CUT, Indie-Porn-Short-Movies-Festival II
In Berlin, in collaboration with PornFilmFestival Berlin. Festival runs in many locations of the city.
Curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli and Gaia Novati.
CUM2CUT Festival website
Medien und Kunst zum Leben (Media and Art to Live)
HACK MIT! event at MACHmit! Museum fuer Kinder (www.machmitmuseum.de) is an exhibition and event about art and new media, with a particular focus on the concept of hacking.
Idea is to bring children close to the new technologies, like computers, videos, televisions, and at the same time associate those technologies to the more traditional art field, from the classical avant-gardes (such as Surrealism, Dadaism, Futurism) to the present.
Concept and Photos. Concept in German.
1 may - 26 august 2007
In Berlin, at MACHmit Museum fuer Kinder, Senefelderstr. 5., 10437, Prenzaluer Berg.
Curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli. with: Minimal TV; Gabriele Zaverio and Aldo Cesar Fagà; Pigreca; Simonetta Fadda; Sebastian Luetgert; Vittore Baroni; Bjoern Balcke; Anna Laudani and Giuliana Del Zanna.
Supported by: Hauptstadt Kulturfonds Berlin.
The CUM2CUT Indie-Porn-Short-Movies-Festival is an independent pornography competition. It is a three day marathon in which participants are invited to realize a short film in the city of Berlin.
CUM2CUT is a networking platform where people can address the topic of pornography without being marginalized.
Concept and Programm.
14 - 22 october 2006
CUM2CUT, Indie-Porn-Short-Movies-Festival
In Berlin, in collaboration with PornFilmFestival Berlin. Festival runs in many locations of the city.
Curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli and Gaia Novati.
CUM2CUT Festival 06 website
ZoneActive Video/Event
Video/Event within ZoneVideo Festival, 5 Edition, organized by the Associazione Videa and Comune of Empoli.
Movies, presentations e videoproiections with Tatiana Bazzichelli, Didier Dupuis (Globale Project, Berlin), Simonetta Fadda (videoartist), Cristina Petrucci (Candida TV), Giacomo Verde (teknoartist). Moderation by Francesco Galluzzi.
ZoneVideo Programme
29 March 2006, 20.30h
Curated by Associazione Videa and Tatiana Bazzichelli.
Within ZoneVideo Festival, Cinema La Perla, Empoli, 29-30 March 2006.
ZoneVideo5 Festival Website
Net Art in Italy
From New Media Art to Hacker Art
Conferences in Berlin on digital art and net culture in Italy, from 1980 to the present. Videos, web sites and slides projection show the creativity in Italy from digital art to the art of the hackers (hacktivism). Conferences are in Italian language.
Press announcement (IT) and Schedule (IT).
April 19th - July 19th, 2005
"Net Art in Italy, From New Media Art to Hacker Art
In Berlin, at Sardisches Kulturzentrum Berlin (Circolo Sardo di Berlino e.V.), Zillestr. 111, Charlottenburg.
Curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli.
Hack.it.art Video
Experimental Video by Florian Cramer.
Video made on January 14th, 2005, during the opening of hack.it.art, Hacktivism in the Context of Art and Media in Italy, at Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin, 15 January - 27 February 2005.
Info and download of video
14 January - February 2005
Video by Florian Cramer during "hack.it.art - Hacktivism in the Context of Art and Media in Italy", Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien, Berlino.
hack.it.art Workshop and Panels
International conferences and workshop on hacktivism and cyberfeminism.
Panel: Hacking the Body (Cyberfeminism)
Press announcement - Photos
Panel: Hacktivism: Was tun/Che fare?
Press announcement - Photos
Workshop: Hacking TV (How to build a Telestreet)
Press announcement - Photos
5th, 6th, 8th February 2005
within "hack.it.art - Hacktivism in the Context of Art and Media in Italy", Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien, in partnership with Transmediale and Club Transmediale, Berlin, Germany. Curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli and Alexandra Weltz.
hack.it.art - Hacktivism in the Context of Art and Media in Italy
Hack.it.art is an exhibition and event about hacktivism in Italy: an alternative and independent way of producing information, cultural consciousness and communication. The exhibition shows this widespread phenomenon and presents to the German public the multitude of Italian media and net activism.
Press announcement - Schedule - Photos
Press announcement in German
January 15th - February 27th, 2005
"hack.it.art - Hacktivism in the Context of Art and Media in Italy", Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin, Germany. In cooperation with the Italian Cultural Institute of Berlin and the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung.
Curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli and Alexandra Weltz.
MediaDemocracy and Telestreet. Networking Free TV
The exhibition and event "MediaDemocracy and Telestreet. Networking Free TV" presents some important projects and critical positions on Italian 'media guerilla' and independent communication. The exhibition features Candida TV, Disco Volante TV, Minimal TV, New Global Vision, Rekombinant, P2P-FightSharing, infoAccessibile. With Telestreet video and projects.
Pressannouncement and Programme
Programm (Deutsche)
Artists and activists involved
14-16 July 2004
"MediaDemocracy and Telestreet. Networking Free TV", Muffathalle, Munich, Germany.
Curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli and Alexandra Weltz.
Within "Va bene. Understanding Europe: Italia". Events on culture and politics by Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb.
Opening: 14 July; Convention: 15 July.
Kairòs: the Virtuality of the Art and the Reality of the Images
All artists and activists involved show how it is possible to use the language of the media as a real free way to communicate through video projections and computer installations.
Concept+Programme (IT) and photos
17 May-22 June 2003
Kairòs, Centro Arte Contemporanea Palazzo Piacentini, San Benedetto del Tronto (AP), Italy.
Curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli and Mario Savini.
AHA: Activism-Hacking-Artivism, making art doing multimedia
Inauguration of AHA Project. The exhibition follows a collective path, being the result of a movement that from the beginning of the eighties struggled for an independent and self-managed use of mass-media (video, computer, radio and written text).
Information (Acrobat pdf)
Concept and Programme (IT)
8 February-1 March 2002
AHA:Activism-Hacking-Artvism, Museo Laboratorio di Arte Contemporanea, Universita' 'La Sapienza', Piazzale Aldo Moro, Rome.
Curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli.
Convention and meeting on net.art and hacktivism with Italian artists and theoreticians. Title: Scenarios of artistic mutation through new technologies: free knowledge circulation or free control? Projects' presentations and discussion.
Hacker Art Lab Programme (Acrobat pdf, IT)
11 November 2000
HACKER ART Lab, Convention within the bATiK 4.0, International Film Festival, Rocca Paolina, Perugia, Italy, November 11-12, 2000.
Curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli.
Hackmeeting 2000, Net.art Area
Convention on net.art during the Hackmeeting 2000, the annual meeting of Italian digital communities and countercultures. Title: Art as reality practice: reflections on the use of technology in artistic experimentation from the Avantgarde to net.art. With Italian artists and theoreticians.
Programme (IT)
16-17 June 2000
Convention on net.art during the Hackmeeting
2000, Centro Sociale Forte Prenestino, Rome, Italy.
Curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli, Tommaso Tozzi and Snafu.
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